• Are you facing these challenges?

    • Your employees are spending way too much time synchronising data manually between the various business applications in your organisation (for example, CRM and Accounting packages).
    • The company you work for has lots of data spread across lots of different spreadsheets, files and systems. You have been tasked with unifying all this data and making it accessible via a web-enabled application.
    • The benefits of AI are publicised everywhere, and you want to evaluate where it can help your business, but you don’t know where to start.

    Or maybe...

    • Your stock control system is updated each week with a list of new parts from a supplier. This information is sent via email and then manually input by your stock control department, which has proven to be prone to errors and takes up a lot of their time. 
    • The activities of your manufacturing department are tracked on a massive spreadsheet accessed by everyone from a shared drive. The spreadsheet is very slow to open and often crashes as it is getting too unwieldy.
    • The company CRM is slowly ‘creaking’ along and takes an age to operate; it needs to be optimised for employees so it can run much quicker.
    • You have successfully unified all your company’s data into a single data platform, but are now unsure how to leverage value from all this data.
    • Within your law firm, there are years of archive data that needs to be digitised so that it can be accessed quickly by all the firm’s staff. The problem, however, is that 90% of the data is unstructured (i.e. reports, articles and minutes) and you don’t know the best way of filing this so it can be easily indexed and retrieved.
    • You find yourself constantly repeating the same advice to many members of your staff and wish you could automate this advice in a digitised system.

    Our Data & AI Solutions service will be able to help you.

  • Services

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    Data Management

    Data is the bloodline of your company, and its value must be maximised for your success. We can help you make the most of your business data from simple database solutions to complete data syncing and unification platforms. Often data is incomplete, unstructured and spread across many different systems. We advise on the most effective and time-proven strategies to bring together all these data ‘islands’ and extract meaningful insights for your business. What’s more; Data, business systems and processes continually change, which means your data platform needs to be responsive, flexible and scalable. We never forget the broader picture and strive to ensure that your data is synchronised, reused and managed in line with your changing business needs. Once your company has a unified and robust data platform, you can then start to leverage value through many additional channels such as Business Intelligence and Artificial Intelligence.

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    Business Intelligence

    Vast quantities of data on its own have limited business and commercial value. Value is created by using various techniques to highlight patterns, trends and gaps, and direct appropriate actions from data-driven insights. Business intelligence (BI) systems can help your company reach these goals by providing insightful analytics through navigable reports and dashboards. The insights gained from these reports can be used to support a wide range of business decisions ranging from operational to strategic. We have significant experience across the whole BI stack to make this happen for you.

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    Artificial Intelligence

    In today's fast-paced business environment, harnessing the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI), including Generative AI, is key to staying competitive. Many businesses struggle to apply AI effectively for optimal results. At New Leaf, we bring cutting-edge expertise across the AI spectrum to help you unlock its full potential. 

    Our team excels in integrating AI solutions tailored to your needs, offering straightforward, non-technical guidance, and advanced implementations. From intelligent decision support systems to machine learning models for sales predictions, we transform your business processes. 

    Generative AI opens new avenues for creativity and efficiency, from content creation to automated design. AI's expanding capabilities can revolutionise various business aspects. At New Leaf, we identify and implement AI solutions that deliver the most value, ensuring you stay ahead in an evolving landscape. Let us guide you towards a smarter, more efficient future.

  • Every business and its specific needs are unique. We understand the need to remain flexible and always adapt our approach to the project landscape. The process below gives you a high-level overview of what you can expect when you engage with our Data & AI Solutions service.



    You get in touch with us via email, phone or live chat.


    Initial Consultation

    We will have a high-level consultation call (free of cost) with you to understand the solution you want to design/build and to assess if we have the expertise and can meet the time obligations. Anything you tell us is entirely confidential, and we can sign an NDA at this stage if required.


    Suggest Approach

    We come back to you with initial suggestions, share our experience, suggest approaches and agree on ways in which we can engage.



    If the suggestions are acceptable to you, we will formalise our engagement with binding agreements including SLA, SOW and MSA (as appropriate).


    Engagement starts

    Once signed, we start working on the solution in close collaboration with you and your team.


    Monitoring progress

    We will keep you posted regularly on our progress with highlight reports and status meetings.



    We will release working products at regular intervals to gather continuous feedback from you.


    Final deliverable(s)

    Once the work is complete, we may deploy and host/publish the solution for you, depending on our agreement and nature of the solution.


    Ongoing Support

    We may enter into support and maintenance phase or run regular production for the engagement, if appropriate and will formalise agreements such as SLAs.

  • Will I have any obligation to do business with you, if I ask for an initial consultation?

    No, there is no obligation on your part. We realise finding the right partner is often a hit and miss. We do not expect you to do business with us if we cannot deliver the value you seek within the constraints your company operates in or if other factors influence the decision.

    How do you price your services?

    We use two pricing models - Fixed Bid and Time and Materials (T&M). As to which model we use in your engagement depends on which one best fits the nature of the work. In the Fixed Bid model, after consultation and analysis of your requirements, we will quote a fixed price or a price range for the whole engagement. This model works best when there is clarity upfront on the work required. In the T&M model, we will quote an hourly or daily rate for the engagement and will bill you based on the number of hours/days put into the work. This model works best when the shape of the work becomes more evident as we go. We also work with a variation of the T&M approach called a Capped T&M, whereby you can set limits on the budget available for a piece of work.

    Will I have to engage with you again, if I have another need other than Data Solutions?

    No, you don’t have to, although we hope you do. Almost all our engagements start with an initial consultation. This is because the first step is almost always to find out more about the problems you are facing and to assess if we are best suited to help you solve that problem.

    How do I ensure you will deliver what I want you to deliver?

    As a business owner, this is a big challenge. Projects which are granted simply based on price often fail as neither the business owner nor the team understands how vital this is. We handle this risk in a few ways:

    1. Encouraging you to help us understand the requirements as best as you can
    2. Summarizing our understanding of your needs back to you, so any inaccuracies stand out
    3. Following an agile model of working; thus, you get a glimpse of the working product as frequently as possible, so that any deviations can be caught early.

    We pride ourselves in building and nurturing long term relationships with our clients, partners and employees. We want you and us to succeed together.

    Will I start receiving marketing emails from you if I engage for an initial consultation with you?

    No, you won’t if you don’t want to. We respect your right to privacy and seek to be compliant with all current legislation in this regard.